Dear Colleagues,

If You are teaching this course and find difficult to select appropriate materials, we will help you to solve this problem and save your time in googling on the Internet. I hope You will find helpful the following collected and selected materials for teaching Independent Study Skills course for the university students. Here we are offering you samples of presentations, videos, lesson plans, quizzes, and assessment materials. You can easily download and use them in your teaching courses. 

This course will help students to be aware of the practical implications of the concept of learner autonomy at higher educational institutions.

This course provides students the ability to select and apply different approaches to teaching and learning grammar, phonology, and vocabulary for communicative purposes relevant to their context.

This course helps learners to be acquainted with the history of changes in teaching approaches and methods and develop their ability to differentiate between the purposes, strengths, and weaknesses of different approaches to teaching English.

The shared materials can give a general understanding to teachers in the teaching process.

The materials shared in this course will help to evaluate ready-made lesson plans and plan your own lessons and sequences of lessons.

This course will provide understanding in evaluating and adapting existing materials and to design own teaching materials for a given context. Some samples in designing materials are shared in it.